Why Snorkmaiden?


I thought I would start the blog out by explaining why I personally associate myself with Snorkmaiden, in such a way that I use her in the title of my blog.

Since I was a child, I have always been a very “grown up” kind of child. The sort of child, that when you had had dealings with me, you would probably go away thinking: ”What an odd child”.

This continued up through my teens, where people would think I was substantially older than I actually was (like someone thinking I was 30, when I was 19). I have always been aware of this “acting older than my age”, and it has often been something that I have taken pride in, and still occasionally do.

However, what does this have to do with Snorkmaiden? She is probably the opposite of what I have just described.

Well, to be perfectly honest, this acting older than my age, made me a very serious young woman, and made me take myself way too seriously. All this seriousness made me less able to enjoy life… Enjoy myself and enjoy being silly.

This made me try to find a way to be less serious, to make it more of a balance thing, where I can be serious when needed, but I do not have to be serious all the time.

This made my boyfriend call me Snorkmaiden, when he needed me to cheer up and be less serious, and less old. As time has gone by, Snorkmaiden has become a part of my personality. The part that:


Enjoys jumping up and down in puddles of water when going for a walk

Loves dancing when she is feeling happy

Is only 7½ years old and thinking she is the most beautiful, amazing and badass person in the universe

Thinks all problems can be solved with enough chocolate, hot cocoa and large pillows

Shouts “ASS” really loudly when something is not going her way

Gets happy when she sees flowers or small birds

…and many other things as well.

It might sound a bit trivial and maybe even stupid, but Snorkmaiden helps me on a daily basis remain a sane and balanced person that is able to enjoy life as much as possible. For this Snorkmaiden needed to be a part of the blog, because I am basically a Snorkmaiden that has grown up and knows when to be a serious adult, and when to be an enthusiastic Snorkmaiden…