Corona all over the place…


It’s been a while since I last wrote anything on this blog – the kid is older and my life is significantly different than it was. But I just felt the need to take some time by myself and maybe just write a little bit about being at home and trying to adhere to all the advice from the government, for the sixth day in a row.


What have I learned so far?

First of all that we do not pay our childcarers enough. Trying to entertain a 4 year old, gets more and more straining for each day, and I am the lucky one, because of my health situation, we incorporate breaks for me away from her, my significant other does not get those.

Also I am trying to figure out how serious the situation is. Is it serious as in we should stay at home and only see ourselves at all times, or serious as we can let our child play with the neighbours children once in a while? I am not sure, and ends up doing a little bit of both depending on the day and my mood. And it is such a bliss if she can play with other kids for just a few hours, where it is not me and my partner that needs to entertain her. So far, that bliss wins out every once in a while, to the more serious, let’s all stay alone at all times thinking.   


I also spend quite a lot of time worrying. Both about the entire world and this coronavirus thing, but also worrying about my small world. What if my partner gets really sick from the virus and has to go to the hospital. I cannot handle our kid alone, my mental health condition will not allow that to go well. What if I get sick, what if my grandmothers get sick, they’re not young anymore. What if, what if, what if… It is turning into its own daily mental exercise to stop the spiraling thoughts from continuing on and on and on. My anxiety and schizophrenia really feeds off this situation, in a not great way. But so far I have everything under control, and I try to keep it that way.   


On a positive note, I do not mind the staying at home part, I was already doing that, and doing that well, and I really like our home, and like being home. I know that’s not the popular opinion but I really like it and find it quite relaxing to be around my own stuff. 


I also really like playing games with my kid. She loves her games, and the only wish I could have, is that we had even more games for her to play. I especially like playing Co-Op games (Cooperative games where either you all win together or you all lose to the game), both in general, and with her. It is so much fun to see her take pride in the shared victories we have in the games, and see her getting better and better at planning what we need to do, to get to the win. And she does get better. From the first time we played “My First Castle Panic” til now, she has really evolved in her thinking and her strategizing. Yes it is strategizing on a 4 year old level, but still, it is amazing and fun to watch.


Today we went for a walk to a playground, to get the little one outside, and so the rest of us could get some fresh air. And it was so quiet. There were people and cars, but not nearly as many as there used to be. It was really weird, almost feeling like we were the only people outside for a little while. But there was another child and their mother at the playground. It was really difficult to get the little one to understand that she has to practice distance from the other kid, and not run to him to play. She does not understand this distance policy at all. And why should she? She has always been able to be near other kids and play with them if they wanted to, and now she can’t?

But we got her to keep her distance, so everything went alright.


I think that’s all I got right now, but maybe I’ll return some other day, to tell more about my experience with the coronavirus….


– Gro, the hipster

A Hipster’s Guide to…: Silver linings (part 1)


Me in a silvery glow 😉 Could it also be a silver lining?

I wanted to do something special for me and for my blog these days before Easter. But, to do that I think I need to try some radical honesty. It has taken me some time to get to terms with telling potentially the entire internet about my personal life (but in reality only the few people who by mistakes ends up on my blog, or who saw my post on Facebook will actually read this so, I will probably be alright), but if I do not tell the reasons why I am making this post, then it will probably not make sense, so here goes nothing:

Since the end of February I have been unemployed. I was forced to start up a small company to work for this guy, and then he ended my employment before the contract ran out, for no reason. And he did not pay me for February either. Long story short, because of this working through a small firm, basically is a black hole in Danish society, in the sense of protection, I have since February gotten zero money in on my account, and even though I pay membership at a labour union, they cannot give me any unemployment pay because of the difficulty of the legal situation. So the only thing I can do right now is wait to see if my lawyer can do anything about the situation, before the situations escalates to me not being able to pay my rent or pay for food in that case – well I still do not know what to do if/when this happens.

To the surprise of hopefully no one, this means I have been living a quite stressful and well bleak life for the last just over a month. And I can relay the information, if anyone is interested, that you will eventually get to the point where you need to stop thinking too much about all the things that does not work in your life, and focus on something else.

Continue reading

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

So… All of a sudden, I am behind on posting on my blog (again), and the posts I wanted to make will have to wait, since now it is the 24th of December… And I know some of you might be thinking, yes but then it is not Christmas yet, but it is. In the Nordic tradition Christmas Eve is celebrated, and not Christmas day. So tonight, it is Christmas.

This means that I moved my full corpus and spirit to Finland, to spend Christmas with my boyfriend, and this year that means spending Christmas at my brother-in-law and his girlfriend’s home in Finland.

Everything has just been nice and calm since we arrived last night. The only disappointing thing is that it would seem that for the first time in ages there is almost no snow at Christmas in Finland, and I had been promised bucket loads of snow, but alas I will not let a small thing like that put a stop to my Christmas spirit.

I only have one big resolution on my own behalf this Christmas, and it might sound a bit strange.

I really want to, this Christmas, to able to just enjoy myself, keep my spirit high, and not feeling bad, because I am not spending Christmas with my own family. Because in a sense I am, my boyfriend and I have been an item for over 10 years, making the people I spend Christmas with this year, just as much family as the family I have grown up with.

I will probably not succeed, but if I can just try, that would mean the world to me, because there is nothing worse than to feel like you’re not enough at Christmas.

But this was not supposed to be a post with me whining, so let’s just tie up this with saying that I am thinking about my whole family today, but I am happy to spend Christmas with at least some part of it.

I really only wrote this post to be able to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and many many Yuletide greetings, and I will see you all at the flip side…


Merry Christmas from an atheistic Snorkmaiden who loves her family and Christmas

The atheist has just secured her get into heaven free card…

This morning when I went to work, it was still dark, and almost felt like it was still in the middle of the night. However, when I got over here, there was an e-mail waiting for me. It was from my boyfriend, informing me that I had just donated money to get a “get into heaven pass”. This made me smile, and the morning just became a little brighter…

The odds right now are, that you have no idea what I am talking about, and find it a bit weird that an atheist (as I proclaimed I was yesterday) became happy to have donated to something that gave her “A get into heaven pass”.

I think this needs a bit of explaining, and I believe the cause my boyfriend donated to, on my behalf, is a worthy cause.


I need to start with the beginning. On Facebook, you can follow “God”. God says he is the good God above, and who am I to doubt him.  His Facebook page is always filled with sensible advice, and he is always ready to talk with people who need it, and help them with getting professional help etc. And he is always damn funny, and damn classy. Even to the people claiming he is not God…

But don’t just believe me, go see for yourself, he really is what God should have been…

How do I get from God on Facebook, to a free pass to heaven?

Well a couple of days ago, God started be more silent on Facebook. And at some point he ended up admitting that his mom had just died… After a few days more information followed, and it turns out that God does not always have it easy, and things surrounding his mother’s death, had been tough on both him and his family. Especially tough on his dad, that besides from the death of his beloved wife, also had to struggle with the insurance company,  because there was problems with her life insurance policy… Sometimes life just sucks to hard…

But God figured out that maybe he could make life a little easier on his dad, so God started the crowdfunded project – Give Gods dad a vacation on indiegogo… He didn’t want something for himself, he wanted something for someone who needed it even more – His dad, who is a minister.

He offered up few prices, as the one I have just gotten, a free pass to heaven, and set the target for 5000 dollars. This target has been reached more than four times at this hour, but all of us who enjoy the Good God Above on Facebook, and shares in his altruistic view of the world, should really go donate to the cause.


So please visit the Good God Aboves Facebook, and if you share my view of him, give a  small amount here to give the vacation of a life time to a man life is being very tough on right now – and you can like me, get your own free pass to heaven…

And thanks to my boyfriend Peter for donating on my behalf, and making my day 🙂
