It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

So… All of a sudden, I am behind on posting on my blog (again), and the posts I wanted to make will have to wait, since now it is the 24th of December… And I know some of you might be thinking, yes but then it is not Christmas yet, but it is. In the Nordic tradition Christmas Eve is celebrated, and not Christmas day. So tonight, it is Christmas.

This means that I moved my full corpus and spirit to Finland, to spend Christmas with my boyfriend, and this year that means spending Christmas at my brother-in-law and his girlfriend’s home in Finland.

Everything has just been nice and calm since we arrived last night. The only disappointing thing is that it would seem that for the first time in ages there is almost no snow at Christmas in Finland, and I had been promised bucket loads of snow, but alas I will not let a small thing like that put a stop to my Christmas spirit.

I only have one big resolution on my own behalf this Christmas, and it might sound a bit strange.

I really want to, this Christmas, to able to just enjoy myself, keep my spirit high, and not feeling bad, because I am not spending Christmas with my own family. Because in a sense I am, my boyfriend and I have been an item for over 10 years, making the people I spend Christmas with this year, just as much family as the family I have grown up with.

I will probably not succeed, but if I can just try, that would mean the world to me, because there is nothing worse than to feel like you’re not enough at Christmas.

But this was not supposed to be a post with me whining, so let’s just tie up this with saying that I am thinking about my whole family today, but I am happy to spend Christmas with at least some part of it.

I really only wrote this post to be able to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and many many Yuletide greetings, and I will see you all at the flip side…


Merry Christmas from an atheistic Snorkmaiden who loves her family and Christmas

Christmas in the mind of a Yulecrazy atheist




Everyone who knows me really well, knows that I am crazy about Christmas. Since I was a child, Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. I preferred Christmas to my birthday, to summer holiday and many other things. Christmas was just the most amazing time of year.

And I still think it is.

But Christmas was never something about religion. As a child I sort of knew it was involved, but I never really cared to much about it, and as an adult much of the religious parts of the holiday (at least the parts I treasure) I consider more of a cultural and traditional part of the celebrations, than actually religious.

So I love Christmas…

This also means that some of the posts this December probably will be about Christmas.

Both in a practical sense with ideas and things I have done and maybe even recipes, but there might also be posts about things I love about Christmas and maybe also something about how I as an atheist celebrate Christmas and how I handle all the religiousness there is surrounding Christmas.

Or maybe this will be the only post, depending on my mood…

But no matter what – Merry Christmas/Yuletide greetings


And now we are giving out greetings, happy thanksgiving as well, something I will be celebrating this evening, with hopefully watching Detroit Lions finally winning a football game on Thanksgiving, and not being too envious of the people joining ‘s celebrations in Copenhagen…

