It is all about the O’s…


Yes, the time is sparse, and the amount of blog posts few and far apart because of my crazy “new” life of trying to start at Consultancy Company with my boyfriend. We are spending unbelievable amount of time on trying to get the business of to a good start, not counting doing all the work that needs doing for our, right now only, client. Even so, when there is any time left, it is spend obsessing about the Oscars, and watching as much of the Winter Olympics as we can get away with.

Why, you may ask (If you do not, well, that is not very polite of you, how am I ever to get any conversation going with myself, if you the reader are not willing to ask the questions I want to answer?), and that is a very good and polite question to ask. The shortest possible answer is: It is fun (Yes, the answer would have been shorter if I had written it’s and not it is, stop nitpicking now, will you?).

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Sickness, the Oscars and maybe Chris Hemsworth…

We are half way through January, I am finally trying to write a post for my blog (it is not that long since I wrote last, it is only since Christmas Eve). I refuse to apologize for the very inconsequential blog posting, sufficient to say that I am very busy in a new job that normally would require 2-3 people with ten times my experience, so trying to promise to write more often would just require me to make another excuse in my next post.

With that out of the way, there is two reasons for me writing.

1. I am sick, and has just abandoned working anymore until Monday, and

2. Chris Hemsworth just graced my screen yesterday, announcing the Oscar nominees.

I am somewhat sick, somewhat not sick… It is that kind of flu where you are sick enough to need to lie down some times during the day, and feel feverish etc. but when you do not work, you feel like you are cheating because you don’t feel nearly sick enough for not working. Until you start working, then you do.

But… I have given up for the weekend, and the only work I will do for the rest of the weekend is being available on e-mail and phone when it suits me.

This is merely the reason I have time for writing, and not the topic of my post.


The topic of this post is of course, Chris Hemsworth – Ooops sorry, I mean the Oscars of course, just as he will with the Oscar nomination, Chris Hemsworth will also have to wait for another blog post, to be the topic of my blog.

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